What is the best way to contact Friends of the Gallery?
You can contact us via email at fog.waggawagga@gmail.com
What is the Friends of the Gallery postal address?
Friends of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery
Po Box 8752
Kooringal NSW
Can I purchase memberships and tickets to events at the Gallery?
Yes. The staff at the Gallery Shop are very happy to help you purchase your membership or tickets if you prefer. No problem at all!
How long do memberships run for?
Our memberships run from 1st July in the current year to 1st July the following year.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes it is, provided your donation or ‘gift’ is over $2. The Friends of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery is registered as a deductible gift recipient with the Australian Taxation Office and a non-for-profit organisation with the ACNC.
How much money can I gift to the Members Acquisition Fund?
Donations can be as large or as small as you like- but here are some suggestions - $20, $50, $100, $500.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
How can I pay for events and membership?
You can pay:
1. Online at www.fogww.com
2. By cash or cheque at the gallery shop.
3. By direct credit to our Beyound Bank account to, Friends of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery Inc.
BSB: 325185
Account Number: 38701536
4. Send us a cheque made out to:
Friends of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery
5. For events most often using Eventbrite.